Chihuly's Garden and Glass Exhibition

 The MUST-SEE -- Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibit...

Art Glass Display at Chihuly's Garden and Glass Exhibit

As I sit down to write this post, I already know I will run out of superlatives before I am finished. But I will do my best…

If you live in the Pacific Northwest and have not heard of Chihuly, I will assume your domicile is under a rock somewhere.

If you are planning a visit to Seattle or the surrounding area and have not heard of Dale Chihuly, it is a little more understandable… but not much. 

I believe it is safe to say that 
Dale Chihuly, native son of Tacoma, Washington, is one of the most influential contemporary glass artists to ever walk the earth, and we are fortunate enough to have access to an unbelievably amazing (superlative numbers one and two) exhibition of his work located prestigiously in the Seattle Center.
Chihuly Art Glass and the Space Needle

I had visited the Glass Museum in Tacoma – amazing, yes. I have watched many a PBS special on the artistic wizardry of Mr. Chihuly around the world – impressive, to say the least.  I thought, “What could be at the Garden and Glass Exhibit that I haven’t already seen?” So, I took my time going to the new Chihuly Exhibition in the Seattle Center. 

It wasn’t until I was taking a ride up in the elevator of the Space Needle one evening that I realized from above the scope of Garden and Glass with its luminous, glowing, extravagant colors. Immediately, I developed a burning desire to experience it up close and personal.

A Glass Chandelier by Chihuly

What sets the Garden and Glass Exhibition apart in my opinion is the exceptional (superlative number three) way the glass is displayed for ultimate, mind-boggling impact (superlatives four and five). 

Chihuly's Glowing Bowls of Light

I couldn’t help overhearing the comments from my fellow viewers as no one could really suppress their feelings. “Every new room just gets better and better! It’s unbelievable!”


We gasped simultaneouly!

And of course, there were the gasps -- audible gasps upon the unveiling of each new discovery. Each “room” has a theme and as you work your way through the exhibit, the colors become richer, deeper and more vibrant.

As my daughter and I rounded one of the last corners to behold an unbelievably stunning display, we gasped simultaneously. Then we laughed at our shared reaction. I can only describe the glowing colors as “Wonderland on Acid”.

On occasion, I had to look away 
to the neutral walls surrounding the display 
just to catch my visual breath. 
Then I would go back in for another indulgent look.

I was surprised at how impacted I was by the art. To say it was a moving experience is an understatement but, as predicted, 
I am running low on superlatives.

Outdoor Garden at Garden and Glass

The Outdoor Garden of Glass

The outdoor garden, which unfortunately I did not see lit at night, is a delightful experience of creativity. Chihuly has intertwined works of art glass throughout the carefully chosen plants and flowers in a uniquely inventive display and the beauty is all encompassing. The contrast of glass and plant life is stunning.
Chihuly's stunning display and reflection.

It is my goal in this blog post to prod you -- push you -- 
urge you to include 
a visit to the 
in your busy schedule TODAY! 

And to anyone visiting the Seattle area – Garden and Glass is a MUST SEE. You will thank me, and your life and imagination will be delightfully enriched…

Visit the Garden and Glass Website.

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